Southern Booksellers Review:
John Archibald is an incredible writer who lures you in with stories about fishing and family gatherings, but by the end he has us all asking ourselves, why do we not also say more, do more?
The Alabama Take:
John Archibald in recent memoir “Shaking the Gates of Hell: A Search for Family and Truth in the Wake of the Civil Rights Revolution” wields a magical, managerial command of tone. It’s an excellent text…Archibald fills each moment — all significant — with love; he handles each in delicate measure, which in less deft hands, would’ve come off as saccharine, or worse, apologetic.
Methodist Bishop Will Willimon:
I believe that few of us preachers, particularly those in the Southeast, especially those who are Methodists, will be able to evade John Archibald’s book. In his scathing, often sarcastic criticism of our church and its clergy, there is a sense in which John may have a higher theology of preaching than we, as well as a deeper love for the church.
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